長者聚會 – 光華老年公寓
十二月七日,週六,晚上五點半至七點半:小牧人與義工們至光華老年公寓為華人長者們提供詩歌,信息,晚餐與交流活動. 地點:光華老年公寓
十二月七日,週六,晚上五點半至七點半:小牧人與義工們至光華老年公寓為華人長者們提供詩歌,信息,晚餐與交流活動. 地點:光華老年公寓
December 7th, Saturday, 5:30pm – 7:30pm, serving Chinese seniors dinner program: worship singing, message, dinner and sharing. Location: Sunray Community
十二月十日,週二,上午十一點至下午一點:長者聚會:詩歌,信息,午餐與交流活動, 地點:小牧人中心
December 10th, Tuesday, 11:00am – 1:00pm, seniors gathering program of worship singing, message and lunch. Location:Little Shepherd Foundation
十二月二十一日,週六,晚上六點至八點:為特殊需要的孩子和父母們凖備的聖誕歡慶,有晚餐,孩子們的音樂表演,及禮物分送. 地點:小牧人中心
December 21th, Saturday, 6:00pm – 8:00pm, Respite Night special Christmas Celebration for special needs children and parents, with dinner, music performances and gift giving. Location: Little Shepherd Foundation
十二月三十一日,週二,上午十一點至下午一點:長者聚會 (除夕) :詩歌,信息,午餐與交流活動, 地點:小牧人中心
December 31th, Tuesday, 11:00am – 1:00pm, Chinese seniors gathering (New Year’s Eve)of worship singing, message and lunch. Location:Little Shepherd Foundation
一月四日,週六,晚上五點半至七點半:小牧人與義工們至光華老年公寓為華人長者們提供詩歌,信息,晚餐與交流活動. 地點:光華老年公寓
January 4th, Saturday, 5:30pm – 7:30pm, Chinese seniors program: worship singing, message, dinner and sharing. Location: Sunray Community